Your PV-experts for a better future
Operation & Maintenance for solar systems
We secure your yield.
Technical operations management is essential for a smooth and profitable photovoltaic system. We guarantee you trouble-free operation and maximum yields from your PV systems. An important part of our operational management is a comprehensive monitoring system that ensures precise monitoring of the system performance. As part of the regular inspection and optimisation of the system performance, performance deficits are also identified, among other things. Because if the technology of your PV system is faulty, action should be taken quickly to minimise yield losses.
Take advantage of our experience and reliability not only for remote monitoring but also for important areas such as reporting,
repair, maintenance, inspection, system optimisation or the enforcement of guarantee and warranty claims.
Do you need help with professional maintenance and emergencies? Our experienced team carries out all inspections, maintenance and repairs.
In the event of problems that cannot be rectified online using our monitoring system, we have employees on hand to ensure that repairs are carried out quickly and efficiently on site.
Remote monitoring and Operation & Maintenance
All from a single source.
In co-operation with the company proElux GmbH, the ‘proE-Survey’ operational management and monitoring software was jointly developed. A professional software with a unique industry-standard operational management system.
The proE-Vision online platform gives us the opportunity to provide our customers with easy access to information about their systems. Maintenance tickets issued by external contractors can also be viewed and processed. The online monitoring platform provides role-based web access to the information on photovoltaic systems and offers the option of providing system operators (end customers or investors) with online access for remote monitoring of their systems, for example. The online access is set up by us using the proE-Survey software.
Solarpraxis Services GmbH has successfully managed various projects on the basis of technical operations management.
Our references speak for themselves.